IBDP Music Tutoring
1-on-1 Online Lessons

When you sign up for IBDP Music Tutoring, you can be assured of total individual attention and focus. MusicTutorOnline offers DP tutoring support in all areas of music theory, composition, and performance so that you can achieve better results on your assessments. Your specific wishes are important here. Which aspect of the IBDP program do you need help with?
Music Analysis
Or a combination/all of the above?
To learn more about this unique tutoring service, schedule your free intro today >
IBDP 1 (Grade 11 High School)
IBDP 2 (Grade 12 High School)
Robert Boer, Your IBDP Music Tutor
"Being able to make a student deeply understand the subject matter is a gift teachers have. It can also be further developed by doing. Therefore, my 30 years of experience in music education have given me countless opportunities to polish my craft.
If you study with me, you don't only hear and see explanations; you will also be involved in the highest level of personal attention. You can ask questions, and you will get to do activities that will help you understand the subject matter. Last but not least, you will learn to apply the learned knowledge to tasks musicians deal with on a daily basis. Your learning process will be inquiry-based so that you are genuinely involved in your own learning process".
Robert Boer
IBDP Music Tutor

Private Tutor 1-on-1 Online.
All lesson materials will be provided and are included in the price.
Complete personal guidance and support.